Cremating Your Pet

When choosing options for pet cremation services Sunshine Coast , you may consider a private or a communal cremation. As the name suggests, private cremation refers to separate cremation of your pet whereas the latter means cremation of the pet with other animals as well. There are three types of pet cremation services: private, comingled, and partitioned. In a private cremation, only one animal's body is in the oven. During a partitioned cremation, multiple animals may be in the incinerator at the same time, but they are separated so that the remains from each can be collected separately. Some "active comingling" of remains is unavoidable. Communal cremation is the burning of several animals at once, without any form of separation. Pet owners are often confused about what kind of pet cremation services Sunshine Coast their animal receives. They may ask for their animal's remains to be returned, and assume that this means the animal received a private cremation,...