Deciding the Best Gentle Journey’s Choice

Having to put a pet to sleep is heart-breaking. Making the best choice of what to do with the remains can help the grieving process. Fortunately, times have changed and Brisbane pet cremation services for deceased pets have become commonplace. There are several cremation options available, each with its own pluses and minuses: Communal Brisbane pet cremation services - this is the least expensive cremation option. In communal cremation there are several animals are cremated at the same time and individual ashes are not returned. Usually, animals will be kept in a holding freezer until there are enough to cremate in a group. Individual pet cremation services - this option is popular among pet owners who wish to have the ashes returned to them, so they can be scattered or kept in an urn. With individual cremation, each pet is cremated alone, though several animals are cremated on the premises at the same time. The animals are tagged to ensure they remain separate while ashes are...