A Good Support on Allowing to Remember

Depending on the circumstances of the pet, some owners can have the euthanasia take place at home but in most cases, they take place at the vet’s practice. As part of most pet cremation services Sunshine Coast pet owners can attend the cremation at one of our crematoria. This allows owners who had had their pet laid to rest at their vet’s practice one more chance to say goodbye and gives a different lasting memory. The advice I’d give to another pet parent dealing with this is to look at all your options first and get a second opinion. Try anything, including holistic alternatives. Then consider what you value the most. Quality of life was the deciding factor for me. Do what’s for the best interest of your pet. Go with your gut instinct. Remember sometimes to love is to let go. Surround yourself with a good support system. We’ve recently had a few questions on our various social media pages about the actual cremation process, which has inspired this blog. We’d like to take you ...